
Ask better questions...
close more deals.

(Yes, it’s that simple.)

What the heck are
question trees?

Question trees quite simply are flow charts of how a salesperson expects a conversation to go. They are THE analog tool great salespeople use to always be prepared with a great follow up question. They are also the core of Tensai.

“Tensai’s question trees have made me a better rep. The daily practice focuses me and makes me better every day.”
—Seth Peters

Why do I need Tensai?

Great salespeople have been doing question trees since the first one sold hay to a farmer so why do you need an app? Same reason Lebron needs a coach: to get better and for accountability.

Tensai is designed to keep you honest about your commitment to get better. But because it is designed by salespeople it takes into account your busy schedule, that’s why prep mode is only 7-minutes long! When you sign up you get a daily reminder to login and put in the work.

And because all great salespeople keep score there is a dashboard to see how you are doing (don’t worry you soon will be able to see how you are doing compared to others!).

“A question tree a day helps keep lost deals away! Although there will always be risk in any deal, question trees are a great tool to help mitigate and manage that risk.”
—Brian Breerwood

How it Works: Practice and Prep


Daily Practice – 7 minute daily practice sessions focused on helping you think through how to uncover the multiple layers of the key elements of a deal; D – Decision Making; R – Resources; I – Impact; V – Velocity; E – Expectations.

  1. Tensai randomly generates an open ended question you should ask
  2. You provide 3 or more likely responses a prospect would give you to the question
  3. Tensai then selects one of the responses
  4. You create the question you would ask next given the response
  5. Back to step 2 and continue process till the 7 minutes are up

“I have been in sales for years but hands down Tensai is the best tool I have ever used to level my self up.”
—Mike Valade


Free form version of Tensai to get you ready to ask the important questions and get the answers you need. This is untimed and you can go as deep as you like. You can select whether you get to choose the answers or Tensai chooses them for you.

“It’s crazy how much better you can get with just 7 minutes of daily practice” “I use Tensai to prep for every call. I work through a question tree for the critical questions I want to ask.”
—Danny M.